The movies are back! As theaters begin to reopen and restrictions are lifted, we can begin to take our places again, seated alongside friends or strangers, and find fresh joys in the world on screen. The celebration and preservation of film and filmgoing will be ongoing, but the best reasons for returning to the theater and committing to making them as accessible as possible, with as much selection as possible, are those personal. In honor of their return, our August & September theme is all about our favorite theatrical experiences and why in the light of the big screen anything is possible.
For our April & May theme, we’re selecting films that focus on journalism, and more specifically print journalism. As much as the medium has shifted to online publication, there remains a special place in our hearts for ink and paper and the means with which it arrives in our hands every morning without fail. These films embody the age-old tradition of journalism — hitting the streets, getting the facts, writing the story, and breaking the news — and define the complicated relationship between the profession and the public and do so through the lens of printing presses and Sunday editions.
Like a good mix tape, a soundtrack cherry picks songs from disparate sources and strings them together to create an auditory experience all its own. The best films with soundtracks do this over and over again, playing track after track that cultivates a rhythmic liminal state of euphoria where sound and image become greater than the sum of their part. A Sonic Dream so to speak. For our February — March theme, we’re selecting our favorite film soundtracks that make us feel what cannot be rendered visually and add to the cinematic experience in ways only music can.
You only get one chance to make a first impression. For our November - December theme we’re focusing on directorial debuts, films that immediately left an impression and inscribed the director’s name on everyone’s watchlist. These films broke rules and gave us perspectives that only come from a fresh pair of eyes and the desire to prove your worth. Debuts that declared, “My name is ________ ________. And I have something to say.” If there’s only the one first impression, then these nine films showed themselves to be unforgettable, and part of their legacy would be us returning to them and their directors over and over again.
Did you hear that? There was… a noise… a murmur emerging from across the house. Probably nothing you tell yourself. But you can never be sure of a BUMP IN THE NIGHT. For our September & October theme, we’re picking a selection of some of our favorite horror films. Slashers, creature features, home invasions, 80s camp, Cronenberg body horror, final girls, and the like find their way on this list, and while we could make this list a hundred times over, we managed to select just eight for your consideration.
This month’s theme is dedicated to the films that feel like summer more than anything else. On the surface, they bear the hallmarks of the summer time — endless sunshine, coastal beaches, seasonal vacations — but underneath they distill the essence of the season and capture the memories made therein. These films can take us back to simpler times when all we had to worry about were the plans for the next day and who it would be with, because even though summer comes around every year, it’ll never be the same as those Hot Summer Nights.
Right about now we could all use a little pick me up. Staring down at the problems in front of us and looking out into the future ahead, it’s hard to stay optimistic, but if there’s anything we’ve come to know about cinema is that it has the unique ability to transplant us elsewhere. Our May and June theme is focused on films that can change the mood for the better, films that to their core inspire unrelenting joy, happiness, and elation like no other.
For this month’s theme, we’re selecting films that put particular emphasis on concrete jungles, films where the city itself becomes not just a location, but also a character. We may be following the lives of protagonists on screen, but it’s place they inhabit that plays just as much an important role as they do. We hate the traffic, the loud noises, and the lingering pollution, but we’ll be damned if we ever trade the metropolitan madness for suburban life. Because it’s the city, and there’s nothing like it.
Over the next nine weeks, we’re selecting films that depict younger generation rejecting conformity and igniting rambunctious rebellions at the hands of being misunderstood. Acting on your own accord, disobeying authority, and maybe busting out a hardy cry or two at the alienation felt inside, these films aren’t afraid to reject the authoritative hypocrisy felt by younger generations, because sometimes being seen means being who you are. Acting out never felt so right when you’re a Youth in Revolt.
We all go a little mad sometimes, and luckily for us, there are films to let us know that it could be a lot worse. For our first bi-monthly theme, we selected a theme where everything goes wrong, where the shit hits the fan and plans go awry, where protagonists are pushed to their mental limits, and where the line between sanity and madness starts to blur, ultimately delivering you to a place that is somewhere between reality and hell.